Here I am writing my first ever blog post. I asked myself what I should write about and still am not so sure as to what I will come up with, but I guess I can start with an introduction to my story.
I am 21 years old, I live in Toronto and I go to a musical theatre school where I study dancing, acting and singing. I am also a member of a professional tap company (it was two until just recently, but school is getting too hectic). My lifestyle is rather crazy and I sure experience many exciting things on a regular basis. I seek refuge from my daily stressors by writing and listening to music. My name is Geneviève and most people where I live have a hard time pronouncing that, so I can often be heard saying "just call me Gen" in a reassuring way; hence this blog's URL and my screen name!
Now, let's see... how did I get into musical theatre? Well, it was never my original plan. It's funny how it happened, really. I've been dancing since the age of 4 and playing the piano since the age of 5. Those were my two main focuses as I grew up and by the time I started high school, they were both more important to me than school; I knew I wanted to be an artist after completing school. In grade 11, I started taking psychology and sociology courses, and began to develop a serious interest in these studies. Having always been one to whom my friends would come for advice, I decided that psychology would be a good back-up plan for me if I couldn't make it as a professional dancer (by this time, being a musician had become a nice hobby for me, but I didn't plan to ever make a career out of it). When I graduated from high school, I applied to various universities for both dance and psychology. The school that I was set on going to for dance rejected my application after my audition and interview process, simply because I was not the type of dancer that they were looking for (i.e. I did not want to become a professional ballerina) but at the time, I thought that it meant that I just wasn't meant to be a dancer. It broke my heart and I decided to go straight into the psychology program at the same school. It was alright at first and like any new experience, I appreciated the change, but after a year and half in the program, I realized that it really wasn't the place for me. I was so miserable there and just wanted to leave. I then decided to take time off from school and spent a year working. I continued to work as a server (which I had been doing while in university) and eventually left that to go work full-time in a car dealership. Now that is a whole other story in itself! Anyway, I applied to new schools when the deadlines began approaching, but I wasn't so sure about staying in the psychology/sociology field; if I had to go back to that, I'd stick with sociology and become a social worker for a children's aid society, but I'd much rather be doing what I'm doing now. While filling out my applications, I remembered a school that I wanted to apply to when I was graduating from high school.
The problems back then were that:
a) The school could only supply graduates with a certificate (my father did not approve)
b) I just wanted to be a dancer
c) It was VERY expensive
What had changed this time was:
a) They had become an accredited private college and could supply graduates with college diplomas
b) I had begun to understand that if I wanted to make it as a performing artist in this day and age, I would have to learn to do other things in order to compliment my dancing
c) I had been making a lot of money
I applied to this school, prepared myself for my audition despite the fact that I had never had a vocal lesson nor had any experience as an actor, and just went for it. I received a call within 3 weeks saying that I was invited to join the program that following September. "HOLY CRAP," I said aloud in the car with my parents after that phone call. I simply could not believe that they were willing to let me join the program. After receiving their student contract and reading it over very carefully, I took one very deep breath and signed it, promising myself to just dive head-first into whatever was to be thrown at me, and assuring myself that I must belong there, despite the lack of experience.
After my first day of school, I was in love. As time went on, I let go of all of my previous fears and inhibitions and did everything that was asked of me by my teachers. Now, two semesters later, I have received some wonderful reviews and have been told some very reassuring words. This is where I belong. The other students in this school are just as weird as I am and they are my family. The building itself is more of a home to me than my apartment. We spend long, gruelling days there and it will only get worse, and I can't wait. Yes, it is hard work, but it hardly seems like work when I think about what I was doing two years ago. I have found my niche and am set on doing this for the rest of my life.
As this blog grows and develops, I will tell you more stories from my past as well as what is currently going on in my life. I am not vain enough to believe that people will be interested in my stories - this is mostly for myself. However, if you come across my posts and feel as though you can relate, feel free to follow my story and give me your feedback!
Often people attempt to live their lives backwards; they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want. ~Margaret Young
“You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.”
“20 years from now you will be disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the one’s you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover” ~ Mark Twain
Thank you for those beautiful quotes! :)
I really like your "story". i don't know how else to put it but your life is very exciting and just goes to prove that if you go after what you want in life it is always achievable.
those were a couple quotes i like and thought that you might like them seeing how hard you've work so far to be as happy and successful as you are.
Oh wow! Well I'm glad you find it exciting! I hope others do too haha!
Thanks for your support, love!! <3
The quotes were perfect!
Bonjour Genilou!
À ton invitation, je suis venue faire plus ample connaissance avec toi, que j'avais déjà l'impression de connaître un peu à travers ta Maman.
J'admire ta joie de vivre, ton entrain, ta motivation, ta détermination et ta volonté farouche d'y mettre tous les efforts pour réaliser tes rêves. Tu as compris quelque chose de très important et c'est tout à ton honneur, considérant ton jeune âge : en plus du talent, ça prend tout le reste.
Longue vie à ton blogue, chère belle et talentueuse Genilou ♥
Belle plume, même en anglais cher pétard. Je vais revenir, c'est sûr.
@Zoreilles: Milles mercis! Je suis très chanceuse d'avoir trouvé ce que je veux faire pendant le restant de mes jours!
Je te remercie pour le support et j'espère écrire beaucoup plus dans mon blogue!
@crocomickey: Merci beaucoup! ;) Je trouve que j'écris mieux en anglais qu'en français... bien... mes idées me viennent plus rapidement en anglais, c'est tout. Ça fait du temps depuis que j'ai dû écrire un long texte en français! J'espère te voir aux alentours de mon blogue dans le futur!
Whew! It's about time I left a comment on my own daughter`s blog! ;)
Did I ever tell you how damn proud I am of you? Probably, but I don`t care, I`m saying it again...
Congratulations on your blog, Pitounne, and good luck in maintaining it, as I know how busy you are.
Dancing, singing, acting, painting and the like are all magnificient ways to express one`s feelings, but nothing beats writing about them... C'est mon opinion et je la partage! :)
Keep up all the good work and this blog, but watch it : it becomes addictive! Just ask Zoreilles and Mickey!
Je t'aime plus gros que tout l'Univers entier, ma talentueuse Fifille! <3
Merci beaucoup, beaucoup, beaucoup Maman! Je t'adore! ♥
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